Tuesday, September 15, 2009


So you would think that after answering 9-1-1 calls all day I would simply turn off the news, turn off the radio, and shut myself off to the world and forget all of its ugliness. But I found myself driving home the other day listening to yet another story of evil and corruption in the world. This one really caught my attention though.

The story was about a public official who really got himself into hot water. This guy’s political career begins to unravel when he gets word that his son has raped his daughter (ie brother raped sisister). Rather than try to assist authorities in bringing justice, he tries to keep it on the DL. That is until one of his other sons can’t take it anymore and kills his brother.

Now with one dead rapist for a son and another son in hiding, he again tries to ignore the situation to preserve his public image. After a while his son (the murderer) starts a smear campaign that basically ousts his father from office.

In an act of revenge, the father’s “friends” go out and kill his son. Now if you are starting to take pity on this guy now that two sons are dead and his daughter suffering from being raped, wait till you find out what a shining example of manhood this guy set for his children.

Long before any of this took place, he had an affair with a married woman. She got pregnant so he tried to cover it up. When that was unsuccessful, he murdered her husband and married her to make it look like a legitimate child.

So what’s the name of this scum bag? King David.

Just when I thought the world couldn’t get any worse, God points out that in reality it’s worse than I’ll ever know. Even the heroes of my childhood Sunday School classes are rapists and murderers.

On what planet are men like that heroes? In what Universe should I set up these figures as examples for my children? Heck, I don’t even want to tell my children these stories. A 5 and 3 year old don’t need to know about rape and murder.

But they do need to know about grace. They need to know that no matter what, God’s grace can and will save. If not for that, we have nothing. And without grace, we have absolutely no hope for a broken world. And should they learn nothing else in life, I pray that that message takes firm roots and goes to the core of their being.

Tech Saavy

As I look around my house, I can find a number of things to occupy my time. And in keeping with the 21st century, most of them are electronic. I have a computer complete with e-mail and facebook. I have a TV, DVD player, VCR, Wii system, N64 (old school baby), Radio, CD Player, MP3 player and a virtually endless supply of media that can be run through these devises.

What’s more, I can think of things I still want. I want an FM transmitter that allows me to listen to my MP3s in the car. I want a larger TV so I can see the score on Fox sports from any seat in the house. I want a full cable package that includes my beloved Mariners. And the list goes on.

But life has a funny way of conspiring against you at times. Not only did we receive another great challenge from the pulpit this weekend to “unplug”, but I’ve also found myself personally fed up with technology this past week.

I guess it started a few weeks ago when I started working nights. Do you know how boring it is to sit up all night in a quiet house? And TV, the internet, the radio, my CDs, etc are no cure for the boredom. In fact they make it worse. I have seen enough commercials advertising juicers, ab workout machines, and male enhancement products to last me a lifetime.

But what’s worse, the time that my family and I are awake together is often invaded by technology. We’ve gotta check our e-mail and facebook to see what’s new. We’ve gotta try our hand at beating each other in the latest Wii game. Or we just simply need to pass the time watching yet another Mythbuster’s episode or beloved movie.

Sometimes I wonder what people did 100 years ago.

Especially on nights that I just want to “veg.” I’m too tired to do much of anything. I just want to “zone out” for a while and let the day’s stress melt off of me. It’s a great excuse for watching TV. But what did people do 100 years ago when they were in a mood like that? I have 3 conclusions. Either they slept, they talked, or they sat in silence. (4th option may be that they read a book, but hey, who’s counting). No matter which of the 3 (or 4) options they selected, it’s got to be better than anything technology can afford.

I think my wife and I would talk more if we didn’t have technology.

In fact, I think I would do a lot more of other things as well. I would sit and think more. I would walk more. I would play with my kids more. I would be more creative. I would definitely read more. I would spend more time with friends. I would minister to others more. And I’d probably even get more done around the house.

Truth be told, I don’t think technology is a sin. But I think gluttony is. And I have become a technological glutton. God help me.