Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Our Prince of Peace

Life is hard. Nobody will disagree with that. I know many aspects of my life have been and are currently very hard. But I also know that the lives of many around me are fraught with difficulty. Some undergoing medical tests, some struggling with hidden pain or shameful wounds, some struggling financially, and some struggling in their marriages. Though none have directly said as much, it recalls to mind a phrase often heard in Christian circles, “I’m glad I have my faith. I don’t know how people survive without faith.”

Though I agree with this statement, I wonder what people mean by it. I suspect that they mean far less than they actually intended. What is it about their faith that they find so valuable in hard times? Is it that they have someone to talk to? Is it that there is someone who will never leave them or forsake them? Is it that they have someone who will love them unconditionally? Though all of these things are good and should be a factor in us appreciating our faith, I believe it is incomplete. After all if this is all we needed God for, then how about we just get a cat instead.

I rarely hear people appreciate the fresh perspective they get from their faith. Do we turn to God in times of crisis and realize that He is weeping along with us? Do we realize that he is weeping not just for our pain, but for the pain of the entire world. Sin was not the original plan. The pain and suffering that come from living in a broken world breaks His heart. Do we gain hope from realizing that God sent his Son to die and reconcile this fallen world to Himself? Do we gain confidence and determination from the fact that God calls us to be a part of His redemptive work? Do we realize that God is actively working to establish His kingdom on earth which will not only eradicate the pain of our current trials, but all pain and suffering worldwide. Do we draw encouragement and fresh vision from the knowledge that we are citizens of His new kingdom? Are we renewed by the fact that our present sufferings are nothing in comparison to living eternity in His presence? Or are we simply content to have someone to talk to?

Our faith means much more than the pithy testimonies we are accustom to hearing. God sent His Son to be our Prince of Peace because it was His ultimate sacrifice that paved the way for reconciliation. He is our hope and our peace. No matter what circumstances we are facing or may face in the future, the hope of the world has come to carry us through.