Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Continuing Thoughts on Marriage

As some of you may recall, I wrote a blog article on marriage this past July. My uncle and I had a very good discussion about that posting recently and it has forced me to rethink the issue. I invite continued feedback as I work to solidify my thoughts on the issue.

One of the major debates of our generation has been the issue of so-called gay marriage. There have been many attempts to legalize gay marriage and there have been many counter attempts to preserve the definition of marriage as that of one man and one woman. As these legal decisions get put to public vote, how should we as Christians cast our ballot?

This question was at the forefront of my previous article. However, I think we’ve allowed ourselves to ask the wrong question and fight the wrong battle.

Marriage is a God-ordained, sacred event. Why is the government involved in a spiritual matter to begin with? Our government has interwoven civil liberties, tax codes, legal rights, and a host of other “earthly” matters into this sacred act. What if we fought to restore the term “marriage” back to its intended meaning AND purpose. One man + one woman joined by a covenant made in the presence of God. What God has joined together let no man separate.

My previous article addressed a few of the civil and legal matters tied to marriage such as tax codes, ability to make end of life decisions for an individual, etc. Only by untangling these issues from the bonds of marriage can we protect both the institution of marriage and the civil rights of all United States citizens.

Maybe we’re just fighting the wrong fight.

Shake the Foundations

Good morning all. I wanted to make you aware of a blog that my friend and I are starting together called The hope is that this will become an interactive community of Christians wanting to think through and talk through spiritual topics. He and I are hoping to post a few times per week so that there will always be fresh content. Feel free to check it out when you can and add your thoughts to the discussion.

See you there!