Thursday, December 13, 2007


So the question went like this…

3 yr. old son: “Dada, is today tomorrow?”

How in the world are you supposed to answer that?!?

Attempt #1: Well tomorrow is the word that we use to describe the day after today. So that means that today is always today and tomorrow is always tomorrow.

Attempt #2: Yesterday we said that today is tomorrow. Today we say that tomorrow is tomorrow, but when you wake up in the morning tomorrow will be today and today will be yesterday.

Attempt #3: Today is the word for the day that we are on right now. Tomorrow is the word we use for the day after today and yesterday is the word we use for the day before today. So no matter what day it is you always have a yesterday a today and a tomorrow, but the day you’re on is always today.

Attempt #4: I know we told you that you had school tomorrow, but that was yesterday. Now you have school today and tomorrow you will do something else. Yesterday’s tomorrow turned into today so now you have school today.

Attempt #5: Tomorrow never comes.

I defy you to come up with a more difficult question to answer intelligently to a 3-yr old.


Jon said...

"Well, son, because of the International Date Line, today is today here, but in China, it's tomorrow. So if you were in China, today would be tomorrow, but since you're here, today is today."

Debbi said...

ha ha! nice!

Josh said...

Nice addition, Jon. I love it.

Bear said...

My response: "Uh...Hey son!! Do you want to eat some ice cream while watching a movie, playing some baseball, and building a lego castle!?!? Let's do it! ;)