Monday, October 8, 2007

It's ALIVE!!! (almost)

So for those that don't know, I've been working on my mother-in-law's '72 Superbeetle. It is nearly running. All that is left is to adjust the idle speed and put on new tires. I have the tires; I just need to find the time to put them on. So in the mean time, feel free to enjoy the pics. For those of you in Oregon, you should be seeing my drive this baby soon!!!


Debbi said...

ha! ha! thats awesome! Go Josh Go!

Bear said...

Nice! This thing's looks a ton better than I expected. That's going to be super fun to drive around for sure. have dual exhaust for those times when you really need the extra "umph."

You may need to be careful though...if you're going down hill with a good tail could get up to 55 or...who knows...maybe even 60 miles per hour! Freaky. Just be careful, bro, and remember that you have a wife and kids to provide for. ;)

Josh said...

I'll try to keep it under 40 - might be kind hard. :)